Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bound / trailer

This 1996 gem of a film scores with both form and content starring Meg Tilly and Gina Gershon in a witty and twisted tale directed by  and his then bro, Larry ( now his sis, Lana!), their first feature. The Matrix sealed their bankability.
Packed with cameos and stylishly edited like a music video without the convoluted multi-layered philosophy & symbolism their recent work is built on. Meg and Gina give it their...ALL, deliciously! lol

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cher's Disco Inferno

Cher captured the Disco phenomenon in this skit from her variety show in the late 70's. The 9-5ers toiled in their dreary jobs waiting for the weekend so they could embrace their inner dance divas/party animals on those lit up dance floors at their local discos. Shows like this fueled my teen imagination about my future life in the Sexy Big Juicy Apple of the 80's when dance clubs were a huge part of the after dark scene. I feel lucky to have indulged in the legendary NYC Club Scene of that era.That kind of vibrant, sensual, festive social activity completely died with the birth of the 21 century and the personal electronic communication system. Now people seem extremely uncomfortable looking into other peoples faces & eyes and prefer texting to  It's a brave new world indeed.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tina Turner gets married (!)...and shares her wisdom with Oprah.

An extraordinary soul designed to persevere and survive against all odds to reach her well earned 'Glory Days"....with her beauty and smile intact.
German Vogue celebrates Tina's timeless allure at 73, by honoring her strength with a chic cover....bravo to that!

YSL film trailer

How can the fragile man/boy credited with creating the modern woman's wardrobe be expected to deliver the fashion bounty that he dreamed up without plenty of personal drama & demons along the way?LOL

Blackfish / trailer

An emotionally gripping look at the business of capturing, training and using Killer Whales to entertain people. Orcas can easily look like delightful, giant, inflatable toys, but  this film reveals they possess an intelligence and emotional sensitivity which makes it even harder to accept the way they are manipulated.
For profit.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chanel: The Return By KL.

Another totally self indulgent and vapid, but amusing, fantasy of Chanel's return to work in the 50's, starring Geraldine Chaplin and her glorious face, fully, naturally wrinkled at almost seventy....a rare sight on any 21 Century screen.

Super Model Linda Evangelista

Photographer Steven Meisel's greatest creation. Miss Evangelista set a new standard for the art of being transformed in the 90's. In fashion (as in life!), one is only limited by one's

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuve Sol by Bajofondo on Mardulce

Another discovery on Tango radio/Pandora: Free Internet radio....sign UP!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fashion as Glamorous Nostalgic Theater

Master showman Galliano pushed slinky 50's glamour and extreme femininity to the max and created an intoxicating presentation that had the audience ( filled with legendary fashion icons) enthralled for nostalgia...costarring some muscle boys posing in a muscle car.Catch Shalom Harlow's show stopping turn in the black strapless. These super models were encouraged to perform and TRANSPORT the fantasy hungry audience... who were also dressed to kill , in 90's hot trend: Grunge!LOL

Thursday, December 5, 2013

African Super Model Alek Wek

The first African model to become a super star with classic Sudanese features, breaking the tradition of African models only succeeding with Classic "European/angular" features.
She was discovered by a model scout in London in 1995 and named model of the year by MTV in 1997, when she was 20.
And as these images prove, Miss Wek can easily morph into whatever mood/style/woman a designer can imagine. Her extraordinary elongated proportions, striking beauty and elegant grace elevates any runway look she wears into something memorable.
Her handbag line, WEK 1933, is inspired by the briefcase her father carried and is named for the year he was born.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Boys N Button downs...

CDG's answer to slipping in some graphic appeal under an easy summer suit....for as long as there are Boys, Button-downs are sure to stick around.....& why should T-shirts have all the FUN!lol