Saturday, May 31, 2014

JACKIE O! On the GO!

There'll never be a better example of American Style & Vitality than the energetic Mrs. Jackie Kennedy-Onassis.
More famous than any movie star.
More glamorous than any model.
Chicer than any fashion editor.
And ultimately, considering the tragedy she publicly endured and SURVIVED, her will to live her life on her terms is admirable.
Her pleasure in living an active lifestyle, engaging in sports, being outdoors in the sun, exploring, traveling, remaining curious and staying involved with her children, is forever inspiring.
Her love for fashion and  famously classic personal style allowed her the mobility & freedom to be on the GO! Her choices of SIMPLE, non-theatrical clothes in LUX fabrics will forever be fresh & modern.
Her clothes never wore her.
MESSAGE: To look your best, WALK, MOVE, stay ACTIVE,,,and smile!
PS: Girls, take note of all those fabulous FLATS designed for walking! Don't torture your feet by walking on crazy high stilettos, save them for non-walking activities!lol

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ferre Fall 97-Milan ...

Ferre tried his hand at 90's understated/minimalism, but Opulence is where his magic lies......

Dior | Cruise 2015

Raf Simons' Fresh, Modern, Casual Glamour for Dior's Resort collection showcases his bold prints, pattern on pattern play and the geometric cuts of the lightest layers of fabrications....all presented on a spacious sleek set built for Dior at the Navy Yards in..... BROOKLYN!lol

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Kazuo Ohno creator of Butoh dance performance

An original Japanese Performance Artist whose work is rich with Passion, Grandeur, Madness, Drama and a dose of macabre' horror. A grotesque caricature of a " hollywood glamour queen"?
Mr. Ohno was a vision...and a visionary.

Above: Miss Dunaway's legendary performance as Miss Crawford in "Mommie Dearest".

Above: Miss Swanson's brilliant portrait of ego, narcissism, glamour and madness in "Sunset Boulevard".

Above: the hyper stylized makeup of Garbo and Dietrich set the old Hollywood standard.
Artist Louise Nevelson never surrendered her theatrical makeup as she aged.

Galliano's theater of grotesque "beauties" pushed the limits of runway fantasy at Dior.

The irreplaceable Genius of Bette Davis